INES 2006 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2006
June 26-28, 2006

London Metropolitan University, London, United Kingdom

Call for Papers
Paper Submission
List of Papers
General Information
Final Program
Paper Submission

The working language of the conference is English.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers including authors' names, affiliations, mailing address, e-mail account to until April 1, 2006.

Please, use this paper format. Maximum lenght of the paper is 6 pages. Acceptable file formats are pdf or rtf. Please use font type Times Roman CE only. To avoid loosing or modifying some characters during file transmission, authors are asked to save embedded true type font by the following steps in Word: Tools -> Options -> Save -> tick Embed True Type fonts. Thank you.

Author’s Schedule
Deadline for proposals of special sessions: April 1, 2006
Deadline for submission of full papers: April 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2006
Deadline for submission of final manuscripts: May 30, 2006

Paper submission is open until June 10.