INES 2024

28th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2024

INES 2024 Paper Submission

Paper Submission

Paper collecting site is IEEE PDF eXpress (see below)

Authors MUST use (<--- click on the picture to log on to IEEE PDF eXpress) to submit the final paper.

Conference ID is 63318X

When the paper status is ‘Pass’, then please, click on button ‘Approve’ in Action field. Then the status will be changed to ‘Approved’.

If the paper is not created totally similar to IEEE format and requirements, it will not be included into IEEE Xplore database after the conference.

Please, do NOT insert header, footer and page numbers.

This is the collection site of final papers. It is open until June 15. No paper is accepted after this deadline.
Authors are allowed to submit a paper only once, no duplicated papers are accepted.

!!! Please, note that authors will not be informed if the paper fails either IEEE PDF check or plagiarism check or prohibited authors list, but the paper will automatically be removed from the final program and from conference proceedings on June 16 without any notice.

Authors are asked to submit electronically the full paper until April 15, 2024 through electronic paper submission system.

The official language of the symposium is English.
Authors should submit IEEE standard double-column paper with the minimum of 4 full pages, and maximum pages of 6.
Here are the instructions how to prepare your paper.
Authors are kindly asked to submit their paper through electronic paper submission system. Papers sent by email are not acceptable.

The paper should be original and unpublished.
Please, do not copy from other publication, because the paper will be checked by IEEE plagiarism detection software, and it will indicate if there are copied parts.
IEEE takes it very seriously, here are all details regarding plagiarism.
If the paper is not original, not authors' own work, or submitted to other conferences or journals, or a copy of another paper, then the paper is removed at once.
It is not even allowed to copy from author's own paper.

The paper may be checked against plagiarism at any time during review process from paper submission until publication.

All papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

At the same time when you submit your paper, you accept the Terms and Policy.

Electronic Paper Submission System is closed.
Final paper collection system is IEEE PDF eXpress (above).


Call for Papers

INES History

History of INES conference series dated back to 1997